Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Google Blogoscoped
One of my favorite Google blogs is Philipp Lenssen's Google Blogoscoped. He updates it a lot and always has something worth reading.
Today, Scott has possible alternative names for gmail in case Google loses the trademark. Also, there is a new porn Google rip-off, Eroogle, which is just a rip-off, not like Booble's excellent parody, one of my favorite humor sites. He also points out an article by Jakob Nielsen, When Search Engines Become Answer Engines, that discusses the trend of internet surfers to use the search engine for information, not for websites. Also, there's Jux2, a website that examines the difference between Yahoo and Google's top ten results. I don't find it very informative, since it's too limiting. Also, Blogspot has removed the ad it puts on every page and replaced it with a tiny navigation bar, proving it has absorbed the Google culture.