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Monday, August 23, 2004
Some Cool Stuff From Google Blogoscoped
While I want to alert readers to all the news about Google I can find, I'm not going to outright steal other websites. So, since Google Blogoscoped has several cool things today, I'm just going to alert you to them, and you can check them out yourself. Especially since Phillip was nice enough to add InsideGoogle to his Search Engine News page
First, Phillip makes an excellent point about one severe limitation Google has. The short story: some nice browser innovations allow web browsers to present content in whatever language you want it to be. Problem is, Google only reads the English page, so someone searching in another language won't find you. Read about the content negotiation problem here. My word of advice to Google: not everyone can buy domains in every country on Earth, like and
Also, he points out the picture at the right, which is a puzzle for people who want to work at Google. Solve it, and your resume moves to the front of the line. Google has been known for running contests like these, like the billboard (far right) which didn't even mention Google and featured an equation that led wanna-Googles to a website ( for further puzzles and a chance to work at Google. ZDNet has a great article on that story.
Finally, you can listen to a speech by Google CEO Eric Schmidt at UC Berkeley during the EECS Annual Research Symposium in February. Fascinating stuff, if search engines are your thing.

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