Does Slashdot Read Slashdot?

You gotta wonder if there is any short-term memory in the blogosphere. I've been largely ignoring the
"Is Google Censoring News In China" story, since I am pretty sure its false. But when I saw
Slashdot reporting on it, I was perturbed. On September first, I reported on a
Slashdot story on Google in China, where Slashdot said: "...type of filtering applied to Google by the Chinese government". As is clear from the
OpenNet Initiative's website, Google has refused to comply with the Chinese government's censoring, and the only reason Google China is filtered is because China's firewall bans sites with certain words in the URL. Since every search site, including Google News China, uses search keywords in the URL, naturally Google News searched would appear censored, but only because the Chinese government is the one doing the censoring. My only question is, does Slashdot actually read its old stories?
Read my post:
Googling Behind China's Firewall