Friday, September 24, 2004
Google Tries To Be Fair
There are a lot of theories SEO people have. Because none of them actually work for the major search engines, they can never know exactly how they work, and there's no way to prove a certain plan was the reason you got good listings on Google. One theory is that sites that use Google AdSense get spidered faster. I wouldn't blame Google if they did it, since after all it's still better than paid listings. But rustybrick at Search Engine Roundtable
put it to the test, creating a site that had AdSense, but didn't exist as far as the rest of the internet was concerned. The only one that knew it existed besides himself was Google's AdSense, and since months later it still wasn't in Google, there's your proof: Google really is serious when it says it doesn't play favorites. Don't be evil, indeed.