The Jeeves Is Out Of The Bag

John Battelle didn't waste any time
revealing the new Jeeves. MyJeeves brings you closer to the PersonalWeb, where you can save, annotate, and manage your results in personal folders. Like A9, your search history is saved and can be used in the future. Jeeves aims to give everyone their own personalized web index. Also, Jeeves will be launching its desktop search product in the fourth quarter, most likely ahead of Google and everybody else. This is major stuff. Innovation in search is coming fast and furious, and companies will have to work twice as fast just to keep up. Two major engines integrating search history will force Google to add it, and soon, mark my words. Personalization has been all the rage these last few weeks, and Google is the only player left in the cold. Google has sat back and watched A9 and Jeeves deliver some powerful blows. Will we see a major announcement from Google in the next few weeks? If you're a stockholder, you damn well better hope so.
Oh, and Jeeves is back, and much better looking.Definetly a nose job, tummy tuck, and tanning booth were involved.