AOL To Offer Free Antivirus Software
Cnet reports that AOL will begin offering McAfee Antivirus software with its service, starting in November, doing away with the $2.95 a month subscription fee. Definitely a good move. The major software and internet providers have been getting (unfairly, in my mind) blamed when their users are struck with viruses. Because users don't pay for antivirus and don't install updates, they are besieged with spyware and malware, and who do they blame? Either their OS or ISP, of course, and not their own bad judgment in not paying a small fee for Norton or clicking on the paris-hilton-free-software.exe attachment. It seems increasingly so that the top companies will have to give away antivirus software for free, just to make up for their customers bad judgment. MSN and Yahoo already do, and the Windows Partner Pack now does also.
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