Latest InsideMicrosoft Posts: InsideGoogle: Simply Soople .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Simply Soople
Soople brings us a search interface that uses Google, but "softens all the fantastic (advanced) functions". It touts itself as "Easy Expert Search", that the creator of Soople made to help his mother search, without knowing by heart all the advanced Google functions. Soople has Google search, news search, site and multiple site search, domain search, file extension search, image search, dictionary search, international search, number search (for specific designations, like tracking numbers), related searches, movie review searches, stock searches, and backlinks, all from the first screen! Other screens include a calendar, language tools, the phone book, and a "Superfilter", that allows advanced users to do whatever they want when the need arises. I can't think of too many things it doesn't have that Google search does, so it can serve as a great one-stop-shop, and certainly accomplishes its goal of putting everything easily up front for beginners.

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