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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Where Did My Internet Explorer Go?
The Toque has such a funny post that is only peripherally related to Google, but that's enough to post it here. Basically, its the story of someone who installed all the toolbars there are, and can't bear to close even one of them, until the web browser window is only a few inches across. The final line:
So what are you going to do to correct this bizarre Internet Explorer browsing problem? F**k it. Just install Mozilla.

Funny yes. But lets get real here. You can say the same thing about Mozilla also.

Unless of course you want to do without most of that in the first place or wait until the extension comes out. In which case you will have a Mozilla Exploder too.

Don't get me wrong -- I am using Firefox (for a month now) and adjusted quite well. But as I add more and more extenstions (to extend Mozilla) the same problem with clutter and load time happens as well.

This argument of Mozilla's, I see all the time. It is a pretty lame one IMO and misleading.

There is one BHO that I am having severe withdrawels from though, and that is Pluck (newsreader). Sage is about the closest thing they have in Firefox, but it does not touch what Pluck can do. But I am doing all of that on Bloglines now -- it is not the same either, but the best I can do under the circumstances.
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