Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Feedburner Feeds For Free
I decided to create some Feedburner feeds for both blogs. Don't worry, they don't have any ads. However, I would appreciate the usage statistics that I get with the feeds, so it would mean a lot if everyone switched over to those feeds. They still have the full posts and images. I'm not evil. Here are the links:


You'll also notice the new headline boxes, directing you to what's going on at the site you're not currently reading. I think they're pretty cool. If anyone knows a way to combine the feeds of both sites into a single Feedburner feed, I would greatly appreciate it.
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At some point, I plan on moving to a hosted site (probably if my AdSense revenue increases). When I do that, I can have all sorts of fun with my feeds, and then I'll put them out in all sorts of "packages".
By the way, love the site. Some people on the net are doing great things with RSS feeds, and I can't get enough of them. God knows I plug Greg Linden's findory practically every week because of how useful it is. With Yahoo looking for RSS geeks, we can expect more web apps that take advantage of RSS in ways we won't be able to live without.
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By the way, love the site. Some people on the net are doing great things with RSS feeds, and I can't get enough of them. God knows I plug Greg Linden's findory practically every week because of how useful it is. With Yahoo looking for RSS geeks, we can expect more web apps that take advantage of RSS in ways we won't be able to live without.
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