Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Findory Lets You Know Whats Related

Even more interesting is "Top Related Articles". It features the articles most similar to the focus of the page. This means if you already like reading InsideGoogle, you can get a list of posts similar to mine, and thus get stories I forgot to or chose not to cover (like the porn site suing Google). As interesting as this might be to readers, it's even more useful for bloggers, since we now have a list of what we should be writing about. I know I'm bookmarking my own page, just so I can use it when I need to find something to post about. I want to get an RSS feed of my own Related Articles.
Source Pages brings us one step closer to the feature I wish Findory had more than anything, subscribed sources. I want to be able to tell Findory what I already read, so I never see that on Findory, and only get new stuff. Still I love the site, and it just keeps getting better.