Saturday, November 20, 2004
Google Lets You Create Deskbar Plugins

The release:
Today, Google announced the availability of the Google Deskbar API(application programming interface). This technology makes it possible forsoftware developers to build their own features, or plug-ins, for the popular Google Deskbar.Because the Deskbar uses .NET, practically any programming experience should be enough to make plugins. I want to see Windows Media Player, Outlook, Gmail, and Google Desktop Search integrated in the Deskbar. Currently Desktop Search can be used with the Deskbar, but I want more options. The best thing I could think of doing with the Deskbar, if possible? Get it to use Firefox instead of IE.
For instance, a developer could use Google Deskbar APIs to create a moviesearch command that enables users to search their favorite movie site byentering a movie name into the Deskbar search field and typing a specialcommand such as "Ctrl'M." Other examples include:
- Locate and play a music play list on your hard drive
-Solve algebraic equations
- Send instant messages from the Deskbar (example: type "AIM- [screen name] [message text]")
Results will be displayed within the Google Deskbar mini-browser whichappears to the bottom right of the user's computer. New features developedwith the Google Deskbar API will be displayed as an option in the Deskbarmain menu.
The Google Deskbar API is in the experimental, beta phase. We invitedevelopers to use the service and encourage them to send us their input andfeedback. Plug-ins can be written in any .NET language, such as C# or VisualBasic.NET. More information about the Google Deskbar API can be found here:
The Google Deskbar Team
You can visit the Deskbar API Google Group here, download the SDK here.
(via Google Blogoscoped)