Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Browser Usage Meme
I normally don't do memes, but I'll make this one relevant. The idea: just type a letter in your address bar and list the first URL, to give people an idea of your browsing habits. Instead, I'll do an ABCs of InsideGoogle: The most relevant sites I use in regrads to this site. Here ya go, feel free to post any I should be using:
A - - Aboho - Where you can find forums that post RSS feeds of InsideGoogle and InsideMicrosoft, a great way to discuss the topics at hand. bet you didn't know there was an InsideGoogle message board of sorts, did you?
B - This one's just not fair, so I'm listing mutiples: - John Battelle's blogC - - Channel 9 - Community at Microsoft with a user-centric focus and lots of tips - The MSN Search Beta - Google Blogoscoped - Search Engine Watch Blog
blog.seattlepi.nwsource - Todd Bishop's Microsoft blog - MSDN blogs - An enormous collection of blogs by Microsoft employees
D - still looking...
E - - eWeek
F - - Findory - No contest :-)
G - - Google - What'd you expect?
H - still looking...
I - - Google Image Search - Yeah, I know its another Google site, but I rely on it so much for lame clip art on my posts...
J - - Jeremy Zawodny's blog
K - still looking...
L - still looking...
M - - Microsoft Watch
N - - Neowin
O - still looking...
P - - Photobucket - I know there are better photo hosting sites, but it's fine for me, and I won't need it anymore when the whole shebang moves to dedicated hosting (you are okay with updating your bookmarks, right?)
Q - There are no q's on the internet!
R - - Resource Shelf - A huge resource I don't use often enough
S - - Robert Scoble, Microsoft Geek BloggerT - - Topix news aggregator - I actually never visit the site, but its RSS feeds (you'll notice three of them in my Blogroll) I could never live without - Search Engine Lowdown
U - still looking...
V - still looking...
W - - Wired News
X - still looking...
Y - still looking...
Z - - Zorgloob
This is by no means a complete list, or even a "Favorites" list. It's simply a list of sites I rely on to produce this site. I may like a site and omit it (I even included a site or two I don't like). If you would like to suggest a site, let me know, but I won't include it unless I come to rely on it. Even if I like your site, I may wind up leaving it out.