Saturday, December 18, 2004
Using Bloggers In Google Ads
Intelliseek's BlogPulse has bought up Google ads for certain influential bloggers' names, including Steve Rubel (screenshot). Intelliseek's Pete Blackshaw shows up in the comments to explain the experiment, which yielded only a 1.5% click-through rate on "modest volume" (ouch!). If you search for my name, you get an ad for books by Nathan Weinberg (not me... for now) at Of course, I clicked on the ad to see where it went, so now you may not see it, plus I cost those guys some money, but whatever...
Still, I wouldn't mind buying the ad myself, just to see how many people are searching for me name (me and my mom). Perhaps, as bloggers become bigger media figures, this practice will gain wider acceptance. For now, at least Scoble and Danny Sullivan have ads.