Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Welcome to InsideGoogle
InsideGoogle will be a mirror of, which you can see is a comprehensive source of Google and search engine news. I am still in the process of creating this blog, so for now just use that site.
If anyone would like to help with designing the site (I am going for a clean, Google-like look), just contact me. I am offering an enourmous number of Gmail invites for it, something along the lines of 50.
Search Engine Tool Directory
Michael Wong has now released Search Engines 2, a directory of 12,500 search tools. If you have reason to be reading this, you have a reason to bookmark this site. Hell, I'll probably get 50 blog posts out of it.
(via Resource Shelf)
Lycos Discussion Forum Search

(via Pandia)
Search Harder?
SEO Roundtable says there is another new Google feature that I can't reproduce, but they have a link that shows what it does. Apparently, Google has added a button to the bottom of some search engine results pages (SERP) that says "Search Harder". A normal search for cars gives you 83,600,000 results. The "Search Harder" result is 341,000,000 strong (check the URL to see how it differs). What is the difference? The "Search Harder" search is the slowest search Google has ever released. The normal search took a Google-typical 0.23 seconds. This expanded search took 9.54, which is most likely why it is not the normal Google search. Could this be why even though we got our third backlink update of late, we have not seen a PageRank update in months? Has Google's database finally gotten too large for its computing power, and the company cannot make that new database available for fear of losing customers due to reduced speed? Is "Search Harder" a test to see if we will accept a far slower Google? Time will tell.
GOOG Faces Major Test In Just Two Days
SAP Info says that Google's stock price will be tested Thursday, when the first "lock-up" period ends. The lock-up period, which normally lasts 180 days, prevents certain insider investors from dumping their shares so soon after an IPO. Google decided to do several lock-up periods, to avoid releasing 270 million shares at once, so instead we see 4.6 million new Google shares Thursday, an unprecedented 15 days after going public. Google has been breaking all the rules, so we'll have to see if avoiding one bad day by creating a lot of smaller bad days pays off. It may not, since two venture capitalist firms already want out.
Search Engine Radio

(via Google Blogoscoped and John Battelle's Searchblog)
Monday, August 30, 2004
WinFS Ain't Coming, Google Plans Party

The Incredible Linktron5000

Why Gmail Is A Spam Killer
Sushubh Mittal at Search Engine News Journal points out problems email marketters face with the advent of Gmail and context sensitive ads. The main problem is that when they spam you, a relevant ad, most likely from a competitor, appears next to the email, and the user is more likely to click on that than your spam. It points out two solutions: either eliminating Gmail from spam mail lists (which would push everybody to use Gmail) or delivering all ads as images, which would clog up all the smaller than Gmail inboxes and eliminate relevant ads. I propose a different solution for spammers, that Gmail users will hate. Spammers can send emails to only Gmail users that contain specific fake words. They can then buy those fake worde for next to nothing in AdWords. When a user looks at those fake emails, they see that companies ads, and are so frustrated by the spam that they are more likely to click on the ad, which in turn costs the advertiser next to nothing. If an advertiser tries this, feel free to skewer me.
Google Adware? Shudder...
John Battelle, and before him, Gary of SearchEngineWatch, discuss a patent Google filed three days ago. The title: Serving content-relevant advertisements with client-side device support. Read the whole thing (it's one paragraph, ya lazy bum), but the gist is its a patent for a program that delivers ads to your computer. Since Google has sworn never to deliver spyware, this patent either (a) covers somehow a previous Google app, just in ways that are not obvious, or (b) Google is designing a program you will want to install to deliver ads. I'm thinking an offline Gmail POP3 app that still contains Google AdWords. A great way of keeping things profitable and delivering what users want.
What Does Google Know About You?
Google Blogoscoped points us to a list of things Google knows about you, or more accurately, a list of data which has passed through Google's servers. Of course, the same data, and much more, passes through your ISP, and in the same vein, through the telephone companies lines, through which also passes through classified conversations and phone sex, so the whole list is kind of silly. But it did make me realize something. Google Adsense lets users of blogs now monetize their daily ramblings, by posting ads relevant to what they are talking about. Advertisers pay small amounts of money that add up considerably to get people to check out their ads. I hate spam as much as the next guy, but what if I could sell my info to companies, making money off telling them what I want to buy? They would be getting info on the fact that I want roller blades, they would all pay for that info, and I could take that money and the information they send me on roller blades and use it to buy them. Win-win if you ask me. Obviously, the more money you have the more they would pay to market to you, and even selling to a lot of companies might only net a few bucks, but cutting a few dollars off the price of anything just so the companies can market directly to you seems a fair deal. Thoughts?
Sunday, August 29, 2004
I Don't Know Googles From Donuts

Use Gmail As A Storage Device
GmailFS (or Gmail File System) allows you to use Gmail (in Linux only) as an actual storage device on your system. Presuming this works as advertised, its a brilliant hack, and I can't wait for the Windows version. Imagine saving your entire MP3 collection over several Gmail accounts. That would be great for my tiny hard drive, and a great backup as well.
(Via Boing Boing)
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Gmail Tightens Interface

Dakri says in the LiveJournal InsideGoogle:

*sigh* This should be the second to last logo for the Athens 2004 olympics.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Google Talks To You
Google Talks uses Google to complete your sentences. The results can be fun or weird. I typed in "Google is a big" and got "Google is a big name in the world of computers and the Internet". However, if you don't tell it to stop, it keeps going, and after I got tired of laughing and finally did stop it, this is what it said:
Google is a big name in the world of computers and the Internet computers and technology in the th century, the drive to scale up the production of high quality animal. protein sources in diets for segregated early weaned Pigs. from a commercial swine operation. in Northeast Kansas with a combined population of million These coins were people.
(via Spare Change)
Yahoo Sells Most Of Its Google Shares

Who's Better? Google or Yahoo?
Now, there is a site that compares Google and Yahoo search results side by side. While it is pretty obvious that I am a big Google booster, I gotta say I am pretty pleased that Yahoo lists my site second while Google places it sixteenth. And no, this is a pretty fair comparison. I'm searching for it by name, and none of the fifteen results above my site have that name, they mention my site. Pretty inaccurate if you ask me. Google! Help me out here!
(via Google Blogoscoped)
Google Employee Blogs
Google Blogoscoped contains a Google news feed, which is automatically updated with the latest reports from news sources, including the number one source for Google news. Now following a post Phillip made a few days ago about Google employees who have blogs, we now have a blog feed of Google employees. This has definitely been added to the list of sites I visit looking for updates for this site.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
KDE Trying To Beat Google And Longhorn To The Desktop

GOOG Gives You Some Options

Otherwise, GOOG traded up $1.91 today, reaching 107.91. For such an exciting and dynamic company, this is one dull stock. Of course, that is a testament to the fact that Google is the real thing, and not another
Desktop Search: The Next Frontier
As Microsoft has made abundantly clear, search is the major focus of its next version of Windows, Longhorn. Since Google is creating this massive the operating system of the internet, Microsoft is staging the war for control of your computer on two fronts. The first is Longhorn. By integrating a powerful search in the OS, you will rely on Longhorn for all your searches, or at least the theory goes. The first goal will only succeeds if the second one does. The second goal is to make MSN Search at least a decent competitor to Google. Microsoft's goal is to stop Google from taking over your life by trying to... take over your life. Presumably, Google will eventually release Google Desktop Search, and that's when the real war begins. Picasa is a good first step, by organizing your photos in a way Windows never could. Expect Picasa for MP3s within the next six months. Now there's the Recall Toolbar, which searches web pages saved on your computer. Google would be wise to add this functionality to its toolbar.
Because It Wouldn't Be A New Day...
Without a new Olympics Google Doodle!

It's Tae Kwon Do, and yes, I couldn't tell either until I checked the URL.
The Search Engine Belt Buckle
This is the search engine belt buckle, made by a bunch of guys with too much free time. They brought it to a dance, possibly not realizing it decreases their already infintessimal chances of getting laid. "Is that a Google or are you just happy to see me?"
Google Store Gets A Makeover

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Internet Going Down Tomorrow

Kobalt writes "A few news services are reporting that Russian computer expert, Aleksandr Gostev from Kaspersky Labs, has predicted that a large chunk of the Internet will be shut down tomorrow by cyber terrorists."
In the unlikely event this happens, some advice for all you Googleholics: Grab some crayons, a cardboard sheet, and scissors. Write "Google" on the cardboard in several bright colors, and cut a rectangle in the cardboard. Hold the cardboard up, announce your search, and look through the hole. Hopefully your search results will be relevant. Two notes: The search is more effective in a library, and you may be more satisfied if you write "MSN Search" instead of "Google", because at least then you'll be expecting irrelevant results.
Google Enters The Candy Bar Market

Filter Google News By Country
Google has now added a drop box to the top of Google News that lets you quickly switch between different country-flavored versions of the site. It's useful because the news is still almost exactly the same, but the sources as skewed to other geographical locations. While you get the same thing clicking on the links at the bottom of the page, every time we see Google do something new, it tells us we can expect them to keep working to improve everything, something it would be nice to see from other companies.
(via Search Engine Roundtable")
There's No Such Thing As The Google Bunny

How Many Doodles So Far?
Anyone want to go back and count the number of Athens 2004 Google Doodles released so far?

Google Can Be Very Sensitive If You Get To Know Him
Once again, a supposedly new Google search change that can't be replicated. First it was thumbnails, then related searches. Now we're hearing reports of case-sensitive searches, that is that you would get different search results for "Auto" than "auto". Google Blogoscoped brought it to my attention, but that post doesn't even ring true anymore, and it was just posted this morning. On the other hand, their source, Abakus Internet Marketing in Germany, was able to reproduce the results, but only in (auto, Auto). If anyone can pull this off in America, take a screenshot and post it.
Anyone want to go back and count the number of Athens 2004 Google Doodles released so far?
Once again, a supposedly new Google search change that can't be replicated. First it was thumbnails, then related searches. Now we're hearing reports of case-sensitive searches, that is that you would get different search results for "Auto" than "auto". Google Blogoscoped brought it to my attention, but that post doesn't even ring true anymore, and it was just posted this morning. On the other hand, their source, Abakus Internet Marketing in Germany, was able to reproduce the results, but only in (auto, Auto). If anyone can pull this off in America, take a screenshot and post it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Google's Hidden Labs

How about Google Print? It was supposed to be a search engine for books. The idea was you could search information that wasn't on the web, and Google would make a bundle helping sell you the book if you wanted it. Eventually, Google took down the search engine, presumably because it just didn't work on its own. They included the books in their regular search results (example) and you could click on them for info and to buy the book (example).
Then there's Google Special Search, where you can search Microsoft, Apple, and universities, among others. Each one even has its own version of the Google logo (the Linux one is pictured above).
A complete list of Google engines doesn't seem to exist. Even Google's Site Map has mistakes, as well as omissions. If you find a Google API, let me know.
The Google Playboy Interview 2.0
Myopicdystopian posts in the LJ blog:
Apparently, Google didn't reveal enough in Playboy the first time.
The original (now infamous) Playboy article, released in the September issue, threatened to delay the anticipated deal because of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules that bar executives from promoting their business before a public offering. To avoid a postponement, Google added the entire article, with corrections, to its paperwork filed with the SEC, days before its offering was approved.
Now Playboy is exposing a little bit more of the article that fell on the cutting-room floor....
The Google Interview 2.0 opens new window
The original September article opens new window
Google Finally Has A Bad Day
Google dropped a bit this morning before running about even the rest of the day, so expect a closing price around 104, a 5.4% drop from yesterday's 109.40. Seems Google is now settling into a comfortable place. However, every single Gmail account seems to have gotten an invite, and that suggests Gmail is going public soo. Gmail should push up GOOG quite a bit.
News Maps
I love News Maps. These are (mostly) little web apps that analyze Google News and produce graphical ways to organize all that info. My favorite is Stamen's, which arranges the terms from the "In The News" box on the Google News home page from the last seven days. It lets you know who has gotten more press and who has had less over the last week. Noticeably, Google itself never showed up, even during the IPO craze. Guess they're biased... against themselves.
If anybody finds any cool apps, feel free to post them here.
Will There Be A PageRank Update... Ever?

Another Google logo
Dakri posts in the LJ blog:

If anybody knows where I can access all the Google logos, do tell. That would be greatly appreciated. ;)
Monday, August 23, 2004
Google IPO Receives Praise From Some, (Questionable) Criticism From Others
Two main Google stories on Google News - Business today: First, The Street is praising Google for sticking to its guns and winning, while explaining that Google won't start a revolution. Google's IPO was very rocky, and the only reason they survived was in spite of it, not because of it. On the other side of the coin, the Guardian points to an influential investor advisory group, who says Google has the worst corporate governance in the S&P 500. Of course, you must remember that groups such as this one lost a lot of money on Google's IPO, because Google refused to play their game. The bad blood from the investment community will take a while to fade.
Will Google Go For IM?
Well Slashdot seems to think Google's next target should be instant messaging, going after AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Personally, I think they just don't get it. Google is about finding online delivery systems for its highly lucrative advertising. Regardless of how well Google has monetized search and now email, there is absolutely no way to monetize IM. At least, there is no better way, and Google isn't about to be "just another player". If they can't innovate, they don't get involved. I'd expect to see a legal MP3 search engine and Google search for the PC first.
Google Continues To Rise

Some Cool Stuff From Google Blogoscoped
While I want to alert readers to all the news about Google I can find, I'm not going to outright steal other websites. So, since Google Blogoscoped has several cool things today, I'm just going to alert you to them, and you can check them out yourself. Especially since Phillip was nice enough to add InsideGoogle to his Search Engine News page
First, Phillip makes an excellent point about one severe limitation Google has. The short story: some nice browser innovations allow web browsers to present content in whatever language you want it to be. Problem is, Google only reads the English page, so someone searching in another language won't find you. Read about the content negotiation problem here. My word of advice to Google: not everyone can buy domains in every country on Earth, like and

Finally, you can listen to a speech by Google CEO Eric Schmidt at UC Berkeley during the EECS Annual Research Symposium in February. Fascinating stuff, if search engines are your thing.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Gmail's New Feature Suggestion Form

- Create unique nicknames for my contacts
- Create mailing lists for my contacts
- Delete more than 100 messages at a time
- Control whether people I send mail to are added to Contacts
- See the number of new spam messages from my inbox
(via Google Blogoscoped)
Google Hits Its Mark

Google Testing Related Searches Exposed
A lot of outrage is being expressed over the fact that you can search's subscriber database was leaked to Google, but people need to remember that this is the fault of and a bad server configuration, not Google. Thankfully, ResourceShelf makes this point abundantly clear, since they found the same information on Yahoo. Google may be #1 in the way people find stuff on the internet, but most things on the internet aren't their fault.
BugMeNot Is Back!
BugMeNot has found a new host, NearlyFreeSpeech, and is back in the business of helping us avoid giving our real names to (it claims) 22,250 websites. First time users would be wise to check out the Internet Explorer extension that lets you use BugMeNot by just right-clicking on the page, and there is also a bookmarklet and a Firefox extension. Interestingly, as Boing Boing reports, their new host plays host to a British neonazi group, but then again, it wouldn't really be NearlyFreeSpeech if it didn't.
Friday, August 20, 2004
Google Releases Gmail Notifier

There's also a FAQ, which says Gmail Notifier can:
- automatically check for new messages every two minutes
- see a snippet of text from up to 30 unread messages
- select a sound to indicate when you have new mail
- make Gmail your default email application
Here are all the funny Google icons for Gmail Notifier:

(via Boing Boing)
Some Early Morning Reading

Dan Gillmor gives Google some advice now that they are a publicly traded company, and he's totally on the ball. (via John Battelle's Searchblog)
Think Google always beats Yahoo? Well here's one case where Yahoo is clearly more robust and useful: no limit query search. Google limits searches to 10 terms; no one has found Yahoo's limit. Very unGoogle-like for Google to operate this way, and lets hope they don't let Yahoo keep the upper hand here.
Microsoft Research has some brilliant people working there. Not all the PhDs go to Google. This paper talks about a theoretical system for building a better search engine: Block-level Link Analysis. If you understand technical terms, read the eight page paper. I did, and I gotta say, it's brilliant. If Microsoft can implement this in their next search engine, they've got the first Google-beater we've seen in six years. The wolves are truly at the door. (via SearchEngineBlog)
If anybody has any interesting articles, send them to me. We're all just looking for something to read.
And Business As Usual...
Yup, Google Doodle VIII continues, today with soccer. And this time, they didn't mess up on the SERP:

Thursday, August 19, 2004
BugMeNot, We Hardly Knew Yea

Google's IPO Is An Unqualified Success
At the close of trading, GOOG stands at 100.33, up 15.33, 18.04% above the opening value of $85. While Google has struggled through a rocky road to get to this point, dropping their original asking price from $108-135, the results are far higher than the $20 being discussed months ago. Google is now a publicly traded company, with the money it needs to expand its vision further than before.
Google's stock started at $101, dropped to 95, and slowly rose to 104.06 before settling to stay at 100.14. The stability of the stock suggests Wall Street is satisfied with the price Google has, and it won't see a drop anytime soon.
Google Is A Go!
Google is open at 96.00, up 12.9%. You can follow it here.
A funny little story: Just before Google opened, it said it was at 140.93, up 65%. NASDAQ was having trouble, having put through two trades before they were supposed to, messing up the system. Bet Sergey and Larry saw those numbers and flipped out, even if only for a second.
The Big Red Search Engine
For a little fun right before trading opens at 9:30, check out Toogle, which turns an image from a Google Image search into an ASCII text image. Check out Google:
Ironically, I tried this with Clifford, the big red dog, but he was too big.
(via Google Blogoscoped)
45 minuted to go.